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Data: 29.10.2024 | Timp: 11:00 – 12:00 (Ora Bucureștiului) Într-o lume bazată pe date, abilitatea de a le transforma în informații valoroase este esențială. Power BI și Microsoft
IT Outsourcing | Onsite & Remote IT Support | IT Infrastructure | GDPR & CISO | Cost Optimization and Setup
Partners Who Trust Us:
Infrastructure optimization and full support to optimize your business
Modern setup, secure and streamlined infrastructure for office and remote working. IT maintenance
From IT onboarding for new employees to solving technical issues related to daily tasks.
Optimal software applications, configurations, and integrations, tailored to industry and company specifics.
Consultancy and specialized services in information security and data protection.
“The decision to outsource IT services to Unity Solutions was the right one. The IT infrastructure is no longer a bottleneck, on the contrary, it helps us to be more productive.”
Solid Reputation: Transparency, Proactivity and Flexibility
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Data: 29.10.2024 | Timp: 11:00 – 12:00 (Ora Bucureștiului) Într-o lume bazată pe date, abilitatea de a le transforma în informații valoroase este esențială. Power BI și Microsoft
Leave IT to us. Technical support, IT infrastructure, consulting.
Unity Solutions SRL
Bd. Alexandru Ioan Cuza 44,
Bucharest, 011052
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